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May 12 Minutes

Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2020 at 7:00pm 

Meeting Link: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 0919 3900

Password: 251784

Call to Order - Morgan Coon ata 7:09 PM

Roll Call - Present -  Morgan Coon, Sandy Morris, Serena Pawloski, Zak Smit, Eric Alberda, Karen Brower

Absent -  Barb Wrobleski

Approval of Agenda - motion made by Tim to approve and seconded by Morgan, all ayes

Approval of Minutes - motion made by Tim to approve and seconded by Morgan, all ayes.

Treasurer’s Report - motion made by Morgan to approve and seconded by Eric, all ayes

Financial Reports - General financial documents included. The physical bills will be presented at the next meeting, but Morgan has stopped in to sign the checks in April and will stop in in May as well.

  1. Bills - 
  2. Reports - 

Correspondence - None

Public Comment - None

Director’s Report  -  See Pages (        )

Programs –  

Statistics -  

Meetings, workshops, etc - 

Building Items - 

Library Closings – 

Volunteers -  

Lakeland, State other library news - 

Old Business -- 

  1. Flower Bed Update - Bob Larr went ahead and removed the old flowers, removed pots, repainted the bench. Karen purchased a few flowers from the FFA sale and is getting some more flowers to put in the beds and they will be placed in the ground when ready. Eric will dig the holes and discuss where to place them with Bob.
  2. Director’s Evaluation - Some evaluations are still missing. Morgan asked that everyone who hasn’t completed one yet should email one to her or drop one off at the library.

New Business – 

  1. Policy Updates
    1. General Pandemic Policy handed out - general pandemic policy handed out and will be discussed at the next meeting.
    2. General update - Discussion over virtual meeting in June. Plan on having one then.

Public Comment-  Sara from Dorr Library came to see what our meeting was like for her meeting the following week.

Adjournment  - Motion made by Karen Brower, seconded by Zac Smit

Next Meeting Tuesday, June 9 at 7pm