March Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Agenda
March 17 at 7:00pm
Call to Order - Called to order by Morgan at 7:00
Roll Call - Present - Morgan, Barb, Karen, Tim, Zak, Elyshia
Absent - Eric, Serena, Sandy
Approval of Agenda - Motion made by Morgan to approve the agenda with the amendment of taking out the directors evaluation. Seconded by Tim. All ayes
Approval of Minutes - Motion made by TIm to accept the minutes, seconded by Karen. All ayes.
Treasurer’s Report - Motion made by Zak to approve, seconded by Tim. all ayes.
Financial Reports - Motion made by morgan to approve, seconded by Karen. All ayes.
- Bills -
- Reports -
Correspondence -
Public Comment -
Director’s Report - See Pages ( )
Programs –
Statistics -
Meetings, workshops, etc -
Building Items -
Library Closings –
Volunteers -
Lakeland, State other library news -
Old Business -- Shelves: Motion made by Karen to purchase the shelves, seconded by Zak, all ayes.
- Ancestry- Dorr will be paying half. Motion made by Karen to keep paying for ancestry, seconded by Tim. All ayes.
- Garden beds-quarter to be paid by the DBA. Motion made by Karen to accept paying for the garden beds, seconded by Barb. All ayes
- Director Evaluation
New Business – Motion made by Morgan to allow Elyshia to purchase the laptop for $812.22, seconded by Karen, all ayes.
Pandemic Policy: Motion made by Morgan to accept Pandemic procedure, seconded by Karen, all ayes.
Public Comment-
Adjournment - Motion to adjourn at 7:37 made by Morgan, seconded by Barb, all ayes.
Next Meeting Tuesday, April 14 at 7pm