June 9 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2020 at 7:00pm
Hopkins Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. We will also be meeting in person but encourage those who can join us by zoom to do so that way.
Topic: Hopkins Library Board Meeting
Time: Jun 9, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 6145 9396
Password: 609035
+16465588656,,82661459396# US (New York)
Call to Order - Morgan Coon at 7:02
Roll Call - Present - Tim Mckinnon, Serena Pawloski, Morgan Coon, Karen Brower, Sandy Morris, Zak Smit
Absent - Eric Alberda, Barb Wrobleski
Approval of Agenda - Amendment made that the directors evaluation be moved to a closed session. Motion made by Karen to approve the agenda, seconded by Sandy. All ayes.
Approval of Minutes - Motion made by Karen to approve the minutes, seconded by Karen. All ayes
Treasurer’s Report - Motion made by Karen to approve the treasurer's report, seconded by Sandy. All ayes
Financial Reports -
- Bills -
- Reports -
Correspondence - Lisa - asks that we might allow her to tutor in the library over the summer.
Public Comment - Sara Rydman from Dorr library board.
Director’s Report - See Pages ( )
Programs –
Statistics -
Meetings, workshops, etc -
Building Items -
Library Closings –
Volunteers -
Lakeland, State other library news -
Old Business --
- Policy Updates
- General Pandemic Policy, Motion made by Morgan to approve the epidemic pandemic policy. Seconded by Karen. All ayes.
- Director Evaluation
New Business –
Policy Updates
Reopening Policy, Motion made by Karen to approve, and seconded by Zak. all ayes.
Director’s Health Insurance (Dorr Request)- presentation by Sara Rydman from Dorr. Discussion at next meeting.
Hopkins Township DDA- We will look at it next month.
L4029 and Public Hearing- Motion made by Karen to have the truth in taxation hearing. Seconded by Zak. all ayes.
Public Comment-
Adjournment - Motion made by Zak to adjourn meeting at 8:22. Seconded by Sandy. All ayes.
Next Meeting Tuesday, July 14 at 7pm