Annual Meeting Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Annual Meeting Minutes
January 14 at 7:00pm
Call to Order - Coon called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
Roll Call - Present - Coon, Alberda, Brower, Wrobleski, McKinnon, Smit
Absent - Morris, Gabriel
Approval of Agenda - McKinnon motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Brower supported, all ayes.
New Business –
- Mimi’s Resignation - Motion was made by Brower, supported by Wrobleski to accept the resignation. All ayes.
- Appointment of Officers
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Motion by Alberda supported by McKinnon to appoint Coon as president, Brower as vice president, Smit as secretary, and Wrobleski as treasurer. All ayes.
- 2020 Meeting Dates
January 14 February 11 March (17) April 14
May 12 June 9 July 14 August 11
September 8 October 13 November 10 December 8
Motion by Alberda to approve the 2020 meeting dates supported by Smit. All Ayes.
Public Comment- None
Adjournment - Motion by Alberda supported by McKinnon to adjourn at 7:09pm. All ayes.
Next Meeting Tuesday, February 11 at 7pm