Oct 8 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2019 at 7:00pm
Call to Order - 7:06, called to order by Morgan
Roll Call - Present - Morgan, Eric, Barb, Mimi, Zak, Karen
Absent - Sandy
Approval of Agenda - Motion made by Barb, seconded by Eric
Approval of Minutes - Motion made by Eric, with corrections to multiple names, seconded by Barb.
Treasurer’s Report - amendment to move 200$ from co-op fees under library operations, motion made by Mimi to approve the treasurer’s report supported by Karon
Financial Reports -
Correspondence -
Letter of Resignation - Amy Germain. Approval of understanding was made by Mimi, and seconded by Karen
Public Comment -
Director’s Report - See Pages ( )
Programs – Statistics - See attached
Meetings, workshops, etc - Lakeland Annual Meeting - October 10, MLA Conference - October 17-19, BiblioCommons Demo - October 22, Allegan County Library Association Meeting - October 24, CapiraMobile Demo - October 24
Building Items -
Library Closings – October 29
Volunteers -
Lakeland, State other library news -
Old Business --
- Committee Reports
- Health Insurance -- November meeting.
- Job Descriptions -- November meeting.
- Strategic Planning --
- Building Updates
- Handicap accessible doorways
- Director Contract -- motion made by Eric with revisions on page 14 section 4, seconded by Karen
- Disciplinary Policy-- in November adjust by-laws to include that vice president may be person to report complaints to. Motion made by Eric to move to next month on disciplinary policy, seconded by Mimi.
New Business – Mimi nominated Barb to be the interim vice president and Karen seconded, Mimi nominated Eric to be interim secretary and that was seconded by Karen.
- Election of replacement officers -
- Signatures (again) - Eric Alberda made a motion to add Morgan Coon to the bank cards as a check signer, and to put Eric Alberda on as secretary, and that was seconded by Barb Wrobleski.
- Preliminary 2020 Budget - Motion made by Zak to approve the 2020 budget in November, seconded by Mimi.
- Policy Updates
- Maximum Wage - Motion made by Karen to give a bonus of 100$ to the custodian as a once a year holiday bonus. Mimi seconded. Approve bonuses for the budget year, every year which will be done in November.
- Motion made by Eric to improve the salary policy with the additional 100$ bonus for the custodian, seconded by Mimi.
Public Comment-
Adjournment - motion made by Eric to adjourn at 8:20pm , seconded by Barb.
Next Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 7pm