Nov 12 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2019 at 7:00pm
Call to Order - 7:00 Pm
Roll Call - Present - Zak, Morgan, Sandy, Barb, Karen B
Absent - Eric, Mimi
Approval of Agenda - Motion made by Sandy to approve seconded by Barb.
Approval of Minutes - with corrections to Karen B., Karen was also present at the meeting. Time for adjournment was 8:20 PM. Motion made by Sandy to approve the minutes and that was seconded by Karen.
Treasurer’s Report - Motion made by Karen to accept the treasurer’s report with the correction of the voided check. Seconded by Morgan.
Financial Reports -
- Bills -
Correspondence -
Bob Larr - Garden beds recommendation : Bob recommends that the wood chips for the landscaping outside be replaced by stone and flowers to be moved and for flowers to be added. Motion to approve, to revise this and possibly put on the 2020 budget made by Karen, and seconded by Barb.
Public Comment -
Director’s Report - See Pages ( )
Programs –
Statistics -
Meetings, workshops, etc -
Building Items -
Library Closings –
Volunteers -
Lakeland, State other library news -
Old Business --
- Committee Reports
- Health Insurance --
- Job Descriptions --
- Strategic Planning --
- Building Updates -- The garden, siding work, possible 2020 ideas.
- Policy Updates
- Complaints Policy -- Karen made a motion to keep as is with the added library card line. Zak seconded.
- Board Bylaws for Personnel Issues --motion made by Morgan to approve the amended by-law, and that was seconded by Karen.
- 2020 Budget
- 2020 Raise Recommendations -- Motion made by Karen to accept proposed raises and that was seconded by Morgan. Motion made by Karen to approve 2020 budget and seconded by Barb.
New Business –
- Policy Updates
- Non-resident card policy, motion made by Zak to accept the non resident card policy, and that was seconded by Barb. Motion made by morgan to approve the holiday closing schedule, seconded by Barb.
Bring Christmas snack to pass with meeting.
Public Comment-
Adjournment -Motion made to adjourn made by Karen, and seconded by Barb. Adjournment was 8:20 PM.
Next Meeting Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 7pm