Jun 11 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2019 at 7pm
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin @ 7:04 pm
Roll Call - Present - Karon Dunifin, Mimi Gabriel, Morgan Coon, Zack Smit, Barb Wrobleski, Sandy Morris, Elyshia Hoekstra, Eric Alberda arriving late at 7:20 pm
Absent -
Approval of Agenda - Mimi Gabriel made a motion to approve, seconded by Barb Wrobleski . all ayes.
Approval of Minutes - Pages 3-5 Motion made to approve by Morgan coon, seconded by Mimi Gabriel. All ayes.
Treasurer’s Report - Motion made to approve by Karon Dunifin and seconded by Mimi Gabriel. All ayes.
Financial Reports - Pages 6-10
Correspondence -
Public Comment - Audit Presentation (Kathy Sheldon of Walker, Fluke and Sheldon)- weakness in oversight of bills now with quick books. Mimi Gabriel made motion to approve audit, Eric Alberda seconded. All ayes.
Director’s Report - See Pages ( 11-13 )
Programs – Summer reading started June 10. There are already 60 sign ups in two days. June 5 th Nicole and Elyshia attended raising readers at the Hopkins Elementary and provided a craft and promoted the summer reading program. The library will continue to follow the reader feeder bus only 5 days times this summer.
Statistics - see pages 12 and 13. - will work on marketing e magazines a little more. Ancestry jumped again.
Meetings, workshops, etc - lakeland Library board meeting and ILS council meeting (June 13)
Building Items -
Budget Items- endowment fund has matured and renewed. Elyshia met with Theresa at Walker , Fluke and Sheldon. She just suggested the internal controls.
Library Closings – memorial day .
Volunteers - Megan is still here
Lakeland, State other library news -
Old Business --
- Building update -
- Tile- bathroom Elyshia messaged Al again he declined doing job. Steve Peck is willing to do our bathroom. Also Mike is willing.
- Shelving - Mike did put up our shelving.
- Storage Shed- Morgan brought some pamphlets
- Internal Controls Recommendations- We need two people signing the checks. Also someone to sign reconciliation report before board meeting. It was suggested the president and the treasurer by Theresa at Walker , Fluke and Sheldon. Barb Wrobleski made a motion to have Mimi Gabriel and Karon Dunifin be on the bank account and signing the checks. Sandy made a motion to have bills brought to the meeting and have board review unless there will be a penalty for late bills. Eric seconded with exception of checking to see if we can move due dates of bills. All ayes.
- Director Health Insurance - to be discussed in closed session at the end of the meeting
New Business –
- L4029 and Truth in Taxation Hearing - Motion madeZack Smit and seconded by Amy Germain. All ayes. To have taxation and truth/L4029 meeting before, July meeting. Ammended by Zack Smit to have the taxation meeting at 7:30 pm. Seconded by Eric Alberda. All ayes.
- Library Director Employment Agreement to be looked over and discussed July meeting.
- Next Month’s Meeting Time - has been requested to be moved to 7:30 pm by Elyshia due to a mileage meeting in Dorr. Zack Smit made motion to change to 7:30 pm and post publically . Seconded by Barb Wrobleski. All Ayes.
Public Comment-
Adjournment - Motion made by Sandy Morris at 8:48 to go to closed session and seconded by Karon Dunifin
Next Meeting Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7pm
Closed session started at 8:50 pm to discuss Director insurance following regular board meeting.
In attendance Eric Alberda, Amy Germain, Morgan Coon, Sandy Morris, Zak Smit, Barb Wrobleski, Morgan Coon, Karon Dunifin, Mimi Gabriel.
Voting on family plan or single plan on via paper ballot.
President Karon Dunifin and Vice President Morgan Coon to count ballots.
The count for the votes is 5 for Single and 3 for family announced by Karon Dunifin. Motion made by Sandy Morris and seconded by Morgan Coon to approve 50/50 with Dorr library on the single plan.
Motion made to adjourn special session By Mimi Gabriel and seconded by Eric Alberda. Allyes. Motion made by Eric Alberda to enter back to regular meeting. Seconded by Barb Wrobleski. All ayes.
Regular meeting adjourned by Barb Wrobleski and seconded by Eric ALberda at 9:09pm