Jul 9 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes
July 9, 2019 following Truth in Taxation Hearing
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin at 7:40
Roll Call - Present - Karon Dunifin, Mimi Gabriel, Morgan Coon, Zack Smit, Barb Wrobleski, Sandy Morris, Elyshia Hoekstra, Eric Alberda
Absent - Amy Germain (Morgan Coon taking minutes in Amy’s absence)
Approval of Agenda - Mimi Gabriel made a motion to approve, seconded by Zack Smit. All ayes.
Approval of Minutes - Karon Dunifin made a motion to approve, seconded by Zack Smit.
Treasurer’s Report - June bills (see binder) Eric Alberda made a motion to approve payment of June Bills. Seconded by Mimi Gabriel. All ayes.
Financial Reports - see attached Sandy Morris made a motion to approve the financial report including reconciliations. Seconded by Eric Alberda. All ayes.
Correspondence - no Correspondance
Public Comment - Rachael Vogt, President From Dorr Township library board, along with vice president Jen Klug. Came to discuss offering competitive compensation to support Director’s Family Health Coverage. Only offering to pay 60% of single coverage is no longer appropriate for when Director is now married. Respectfully ask to reconsider vote to cover only 50% of single coverage health coverage. Take advantage of the coverage provided through lakeland. Need to get together between both Dorr Township and Hopkins township boards to reassess health care coverage.
Director’s Report - See Pages ( )
Programs – Summer reading going strong. Record Sign ups. 162 sign ups. 26 finishers. Guessing games and scavenger hunts. Kids love them and encourages kids returning through summer reading.
Statistics - pgs. 15 and 16, books are up and most categories are up.
Meetings, workshops, etc - Lakeland library board meeting. Attend a meeting on non traditional circulating items, like to go packs, next friday.
Building Items Revisit building up dates.
Budget Items- Budget 2nd quarter review. Revisit amendments in budget that were not previously approved. Increase in income and movement of funds from library operations and professional fees to provide for insurance. Motion to approve all prior budget amendments for the year to date made by Eric Alberda. Seconded by Sandy Morris.
Library Closings – July 4 Open for a cooling station periodically.
Volunteers - Megan once a month for 7 hrs. 2 high school volunteers. Bob Larr power washed exterior.
Lakeland, State other library news - Bill passed to not penalize library for administering Narcan for overdoses. Protects staff, allows for training and having Narcan on site.
Old Business --
- Director Contract - Morgan Coon, Barb Wrobleski volunteered as ad hoc committee to create a director contract. Karon made motion to approve ad hoc committee, seconded by Zack Smit.
- Strategic Planning --
- Building Updates
- Shed: 6ft x 10ft space. Lean-to style. Tuff Shed $2,548 Not much room on the property.
- Tile: Steve Peck gave estimate for $730. Motion to accept Steve Pecks estimate. Seconded by Mimi Gabriel.
- Walkthrough Board examined the back room storage, bathroom floor, couch, shudders, siding, door trim.
New Business –
- Policy Updates - Insurance Company representative out. Policy suggestions to be better insured. Social Media Policy, Background Check Policy for Staff and Volunteers with applications, Closed Door Policy, Training for Sexual Abuse and Molestation Policy
- Morgan Coon made motion to approve policy updates, seconded by Mimi Gabriel.
- Job Descriptions - board to look over, bring to next meeting to see any changes, and include job description for cleaning employee.
Public Comment- none
Adjournment - motion to adjourn by Eric Alberda, seconded by Mimi Gabriel.
Next Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 7pm