Feb 12 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2019 at 7pm
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin at 7:00 pm
Roll Call - Present - Karon Dunifin, Mimi Gabriel, Barb Wrobleski, Zak Smit, Morgan Coon, Elyshia Shafer and Amy Germain
Absent - Sandy Morris and Eric Alberda
Approval of Agenda - motion made by Mimi Gabriel and seconded by Zak Smit. All Ayes
Approval of Minutes - Motion made by Mimi Gabriel to accept annual meeting minutes. Seconded by Morgan Coon. All ayes. Motion made by Karon Dunifin to accept regular meeting minutes and seconded by Amy Germain. All ayes.
Treasurer’s Report - Financial Reports - Motion made to accept treasurer's report by Morgan Coon and seconded by Mimi gabriel. All ayes.
Correspondence - FOIA public record and filled out by Elyshia Shafer
Public Comment - none
Director’s Report - See Pages (7-10)
Programs – newsletter almost done. Will be sent out tomorrow. Limited craft making classes due to making up crafts missed due to library closing. Local Mary Kay consultant will be coming to discuss skincare.
Statistics - Ancestry down and 1 emagazine checked out. Looking for more ways to promote the emagazines.
Meetings, workshops, etc - Lakeland offering class on Strategic planning Workshop. March 23, 2019. Need to register by 3/8/19
Building Items - Toilet overflow over a weekend Had a loose screw. Wet enough to bring up some tiles.
Library Closings – closed 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/29 and 1/30. Closed 1 hour early 1/22 Also closed 2/8, 2/12 and 2/13 All closing due to weather and bad road conditions.
Volunteers -
Lakeland, State other library news -
Old Business --
New Business –
- Audit engagement letter - Motion made to keep Walker, Fluke and Sheldon as our auditors made by Karon Dunifin and seconded by Morgan Coon. All ayes
- Closing Policy (pages 11-12)- review and be ready to discuss at next meeting.
- Strategic Plan (Page 13)- attached.
Short term goal bathroom tile. Will call and get some quotes.
New chairs - We have emailed, phoned and sent letters to casino and no response. Karon will try calling again.
Runners for entrances we will measure and price compare Lowes and menards.
- Parking Lot Repaving- Mary Howard from the village asked for a quote. It would be a 3 way split. 2,317.00 our portion. Motion made to approve and take money from savings made by Karon Dunifin and seconded by Morgan Coon. All ayes.
- Hopkins Advertising Opportunity- Business banners. Motion made to approve and take from advertising budget made by Morgan Coon and seconded by Amy Germain. All ayes.
Public Comment- none
Adjournment - Motion made by Barb Wrobleski and seconded by Mimi Gabriel at 7:55 pm. All Ayes
Next Meeting Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 7pm