Apr 9 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Agenda
April 9, 2019 at 7pm
Call to Order - by Karon Dunifin @ 7pm
Roll Call - Present - Karon Dunifin, Mimi Gabriel, Sandy Morris, Barb Wrobleski, Zak Smit, Amy Germain, Elyshia Hoekstra, Morgan Coon
Absent - Eric Alberda
Approval of Agenda - Motion made to approve by Morgan Coon, seconded by Barb Wrobleski. All ayes
Approval of Minutes - Motion made to approve by Karon Dunifin, seconded by Mimi Gabriel. All ayes
Treasurer’s Report - Financial Reports - see attached- Motion made by Mimi Gabriel, seconded by Barb Wrobleski. All ayes
Correspondence - none
Public Comment - none
Director’s Report - See Pages ( )
Programs – March was reading month. Starting to work on summer reading program.
Statistics - pg. 11 and 12- one e magazine check out. 5 regular magazines checked out. Some new magazines ordered will be out in next couple months.
Meetings, workshops, etc - Lakeland April 11. Allegan County Library Association Meeting April 18
Building Items -
Budget Items- Elyshia’s computer out of date and cheaper to buy new rather then upgrading. Elyshia’s desk also falling apart. The keyboard drawer fell out. Elyshia will look into pricing for these items.
Library Closings – None. Will close for Good Friday
Volunteers - Megan Still volunteering
Lakeland, State other library news - automatic renewals started.
Old Business --
- Weather Closing Policy ( ) - Eric Alberda looking into tornado policy and minors. Motion made by Morgan coon to accept revisions made to emergency preparedness policy, seconded by Mimi Gabriel, All ayes.
- Strategic Plan
- Bathroom Tile Update - have not been able to set up meeting. Hope to have sample dropped of tomorrow.
- Storage Shed
New Business –
- Director Health Insurance (pages 16- 19)- has not been paid by library for two years. Motion Made by Morgan coon to reinstate insurance agreement 60% of employee coverage for director. Elyshia will check with Dorr board. If Dorr does not agree, this voids coverage. Seconded by Karon Dunifin. All ayes.
- Library Cleaner - Current cleaner will clean to end of April 2019. Job description and posting will be placed by end of week on indeed, library website and our facebook.
- Teen Shelving (revisit)- we need to look into who can install shelving and anchor to studs properly.
Public Comment-
Adjournment - Motion made to adjourn by Mimi Gabriel and seconded by Barb Wrobleski. All ayes. @ 8:12 pm
Next Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 7pm