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May 8 Minutes

Hopkins District Library Regular Board Meeting

May 8, 2018 at 7pm Minutes

Call to Order -  Karon Dunifin @ 7pm

Roll Call - Present -   Eric Alberda, Karon Dunifin  Morgan Coon, Barb, Wrobleski Elyshia Schafer, Sandy Morris, Amy Germain, Zac Smit

   Absent -   Mimi

Approval of Agenda -  Motion to approve agenda with addition of gutters added to # 3 old business. Sandy made motion, seconded by Morgan. All ayes

Approval of Minutes -  Motion made by Karon, Barb  seconded. All Ayes

Treasurer’s Report -  Motion made by Sandy, Karon seconded

Correspondence - FOIA Request - asked for names of each employee, wages and bonuses

Public Comment -

Director’s Report  -

Programs –  working on new newsletter, working on summer reading. Drum Unity coming in July. theme is “ Library Rocks “

Statistics -  See attached  

Meetings, workshops, etc - Lakeland Advisory Council Meeting (May 10)

Building Items - Painting Update - next Thursday extra coat of paint, then the painting begins for art work in childrens area.

Budget Items -  none this month

Library Closings – Memorial Weekend May 26-28

Volunteers - 2 request for summer

Lakeland, State other library news -

Patron comments and suggestions

Other -

Old Business --

  1. Mason Parmalee Endowment Update - was deposited June 23, 1994 need to contact lawyer but according to legislative Council, State of MI 4b. it has been more 20 years have elapsed since the fund was established.  

  2. Strategic Planning Update - Gun Lake Casino Grant

"Hi Karon,

We are interested in supporting financially and were wondering if you could send me more details on the types of chairs you are looking for.  Even links to the types of chairs from a vendor's website would be great. I'd like to see what kind of pricing our vendors will give us to see if we can get you a better deal, in addition to financial support.


Jeff Sorensen Community Relations Coordinator Gun Lake Casino"

New Business –

township is in agreement with 25 % of gutter replacement

  1. DVD policy update (see page 5 for current policy) - Motion made by Morgan, seconded by Zac.   6 ayes 1 no

Public Comment- none

Adjournment  - Motion made by Eric , seconded by Karon