June 12 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Regular Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2018 at 7pm
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin @ 7:00 pm
Roll Call - Present - Eric, Elyshia, Amy, Mimi, Zac, Karon, Sandy
Absent - Morgan and Barb
Approval of Agenda - Karon made motion to approve and Mimi seconded. All Ayes
Approval of Minutes - Motion to approve made by Sandy with correction under new minutes the vote for DVD’s count was off 6 Ayes 1 no. Seconded by Karon. All ayes
Treasurer’s Report - motion to approve by Eric, seconded by Sandy. All ayes.
Correspondence - none
Public Comment - Kathy Sheldon reporting on behalf of our auditors - folders provided to each member. Audit report due 6/30. Motion to approve and submit made by Eric, seconded by Mimi. All ayes. Will be submitted.
Director’s Report -
Programs – Summer Reading Program began 6/11 76 signed up opening day included little vikes daycare center, Drummunity July 21.
Statistics - See attached noted large increase in Ancestry. No magazines checked out but most people read while in library.
Meetings, workshops, etc - Lakeland Meeting (June 14); ALA Annual Conference June 20-26
Building Items - Mural Update - has started as of 6/1.
Electric -lost half of the electric last monday. Line under ground has broke under sidewalk. We have temporary line above ground right now.
New Gutters- installed. Will have to trim up down spouts for winter plowing.
Budget Items -
Library Closings – July 4th
Volunteers - Meghan LaCourse she is with MI works. Currently she is doing second layer of paint. Helped with summer kick off and rock painting. She is coming two days a week.
Lakeland, State other library news - Overdrive Advantage account one time fee $250.00 it will be credited to our account to buy ebooks and eAudiobooks. Money was used from previous book budget.
Old Business --
Mason Parmalee Endowment Update - it was a check given for educational funds in Jan. 1992. March 1992 it was noted to put in a CD. Elishya checked it is still in CD and matures in 2019.
Strategic Planning Update - Gun Lake Casino Grant Update - we will be getting chairs. Hope to have new chairs by end of June.
New Business –
L4029- this is what the county tells us what our millage is that we are getting. It has decreased again. We will need to approve this but waiting to talk with county equalization department to see when hearing date is. Will approve at later meeting.
Public Comment-
Adjournment - Mimi made motion to close mimi seconded. All ayes
Next Meeting Tuesday, July 10, 2018