January 9 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Regular Board Meeting
January 9, 2018 (to follow annual meeting)
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin @ 7:19 pm
Roll Call - Present - Eric Alberda, Tom Bailey, Morgan Coon, Karon Dunifin, Amy Germain, Sandy Morris, Elyshia Schafer
Absent - Mimi Gabriel, Barb Wrobleski
Approval of Agenda - Motion to approve by Amy. Seconded by Eric. All ayes.
Approval of Minutes - Motion to approve by Sandy . Seconded by Morgan . All ayes.
Treasurer’s Report - Update the negative balance from November meeting. Checks went out last day of the month in October at United Bank. Elyshia will check the advertisement at the Regent Theatre in Allegan. Motion to approve by Karon . Seconded by Amy. All ayes.
Correspondence - none
Public Comment - Presentation by Barb Bennett for Barn Quilt Trail. Self guided driving and cycling tours, year round. Mapped out on a written map. 48 States have these, Michigan having 28 trails. Goal to increase tourism. Supporting our small businesses. The library has has held classes before. The Library currently displays a Barn Quilt in front window. May apply on line at Allegan county Barn Quilt trail.
Director’s Report -
Programs – Newsletter out with new format.
Statistics - See attached
Meetings, workshops, etc Lakeland Library Coop Meeting cancelled. Allegan County Library Association Meeting Jan. 18.
Building Items - Entrance door not closing with cold weather. Currently staying shut and not using.
Budget Items - Budget Amendments- Invoice for Well -paid from utilities . $2000.00 from programs to employee wages. $30.00 was moved from bookkeeping to collections. New Budget document for next year. Amendments approved by Eric. Seconded by Morgan. All Ayes
Library Closings – Dec. 30th (weather), Jan 1st (New Years Day)
Volunteers - n/a
Lakeland, State other library news - n/a
Patron comments and suggestions – n/a
Other - n/a
Old Business -
- Rezoning Update - Mary Howard out of town. No updates.
New Business –
- Mural Contest - 2 entries local artist. Entry 1: submitted entry of what she would paint. Entry 2 : submitted work done before and she would do the fund raising for the artwork. Contest closed. Elyshia to speak to Artist of Entry 1 about cost.
- Walker, Fluke & Sheldon Engagement Letter . Motion to allow Karon and Elyshia to sign Engagement letter. Motion by Eric, Seconded by Karon. All Ayes
- Strategic Planning Committee - Mimi, Sandy, Tom , Elyshia and Karon
Public Comment
Adjournment Motion made by Amy and seconded by Eric All Ayes .
Next Meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2018