February 13 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Regular Board Meeting
February 13, 2018 at 7pm
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin @ 7:10
Roll Call - Present - Eric Alberda, Tom Bailey, Morgan Coon, Karon Dunifin, Amy Germain, Sandy Morris, Mimi Gabriel, Elyshia Schafer
Absent - Barb Wrobleski
Approval of Agenda - Morgan made motion,seconded by Amy. All Ayes
Approval of Minutes - Eric made motion,Tom seconded. All Ayes
Treasurer’s Report - Do not have Sandy’s report due to some Auditor request not received. Sandy will be checking into this. General ledger- budget and income available and gone over. Mimi made motion, Morgan seconded. All Ayes
Correspondence - none
Public Comment - none
Director’s Report -
Programs – Going well some drop do to sickness and weather.
Statistics - See attached
Meetings, workshops, etc Lakeland Board and Advisory Council Meeting Feb 8th, Millage workshop Wed. Feb. 28th
Building Items -
Budget Items -
Library Closings – Closed 2/8 due to weather.
Volunteers - n/a
Lakeland, State other library news - New Lakeland Library Director started February 1st. Planning on coming to each library. We will be notified if we want to meet her.
Patron comments and suggestions – A new jar set up for suggestions.
Other - n/a
Old Business -
Rezoning Update - Elyshia filled out paperwork. Mary Howard accepted paperwork. Hearing in April. Penasee Globe already asking for comments.
Mural Contest - Contestant got back with us with estimate of $200.00 to $250.00 in paint cost. The funds would come out of building maintenance money. Leftover monies from last year. Karon made motion to do mural as long as it stays under $200.00. Morgan seconded. All Ayes
New Business –
Copier Quotes (2018) - 3 quotes came in. Precision, AB Dick, Applied Imaging. Elyshia to ask a representative from copy companies to come to next meeting and explain services.
Strategic Planning - to include the whole board now.
Chairs - Morgan will write some letters for donations, Sandy and Morgan will ask some family members for possible discounts.
Other related items - work on getting estimates for duct cleaning. Morgan will check with Home Depot for some discounted sinks, faucets, toilets.
Public Comment
Adjournment - Mimi motioned, Eric seconded. All Ayes
Next Meeting Tuesday, March 13, 2018