August 14 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Regular Board Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2018 following 7pm Truth-in-Taxation Hearing
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin @ 7:10
Roll Call - Present - Karon Dunifin, Zac Smit, Morgan Coon, Sandy Morris, Amy Germain, Mimi Gabriel, Elysha Schafer
Absent - Eric Alberda
Approval of Agenda - Made by Karon Dunifin and seconded by Morgan Coon removing the tax in truth hearing, item #3 under old business, separate meeting prior to board meeting. All ayes
Approval of Minutes - Made by Sandy Morris and seconded by Morgan coon, with the corrections of misspelled names. All ayes
Treasurer’s Report - Motion made by Mimi Gabriel and seconded by Karon Dunifin. All ayes will need to make corrections to April Employee wages due to three pay periods in April. The last one being April 30.
Correspondence - none
Public Comment - none
Director’s Report -
Programs – Summer reading recap most successful program yet. We had better turn out then Otsego District LIbrary for closing. Reader Feeder 100 kids each time and library hosting crafts along with reader feeder , plans to do this again next year. Newsletter for Oct, Nov and Dec. in progress.
Statistics - see attached, ancestry down slightly
Meetings, workshops, etc - Lakeland Meetings (August 9) - Working on Strategic plans to improve Training, Technology and Organizational Development for 2018 - 2021.
Building Items - Mural update - almost finished, The painter has offered to add one more tree to not end as abruptly, it will extend to corner. Day of Caring- Allegan United Way ideas for shelving in teen area
Budget Items - Payroll tax fix, insurance budget adjustment $61.00 taken from utilities as that was slightly over budgets
Library Closings – None in August, Labor Day Weekend Sept. 1-3
Volunteers - Megan LaCourse cleaning backroom
Lakeland, State other library news - New Strategic Plan, Dorr did not get their Vote to raise millage.
Old Business --
- Mason Parmalee Endowment Update - per e mail from Clare Membiela, MLS we will need to consult with lawyer to decide what to do with endowment. We may chose to decide to speak with auditor about it to. Lawyer fees may be more than endowment
- Strategic Planning Update - Gun Lake Casino Grant Update - still waiting to hear back from casino. Karon will call them again
- Adoption of the .0119 mills operating tax increase as specified in the Truth in Taxation Hearing
- L4029 Approval- motion made by Morgan Coon, Seconded by Mimi Gabriel with override of Headlee. All Ayes
New Business –
- Strategic Planning - Future Saving for A/C Units?- put on budget planning and get some quotes on cost of units.
Public Comment- none
Adjournment - Motion made by Mimi Gabriel, seconded by Karon Dunifn. All ayes at 7:54pm
Next Meeting Tuesday, September 11, 2018