April 10 Minutes - unofficial
Hopkins District Library Regular Board Meeting
April 10, 2018 at 7pm
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin @ 7:05 pm
Roll Call - Present - Eric Alberda, Morgan Coon, Karon Dunifin, Amy Germain, Sandy Morris, Mimi Gabriel, Zac Smit, Elyshia Schafer, Sandy Morris
Absent - Barb Wrobleski
Approval of Agenda - amended agenda adding Mason Parmalee $ 1,000.00 endowment motion by Mimi supported by Eric. Approved by Morgan, seconded by Mimi. All Ayes
Approval of Minutes - approved by Mimi and seconded by Karon
Treasurer’s Report - Jan, Feb and March Karon made motion approved, Morgan seconded
Correspondence - none
Public Comment - none
Director’s Report -
Programs – Apr-May Newsletter out, programs quite full already, great response, working on summer reading program and partnering with mobile bus at the school.
Statistics - See attached
Meetings, workshops, etc Library of Congress April 3-April 6 came back with 19 boxes of books, Lakeland Board and Advisory Council Meetings April 12, ILS Strategic Planning Summit April 20, Small and Rural Library Conference April 30-May 2
Building Items - see new business, new computer chairs
Budget Items - 1st quarter review at 18% of the budget
Library Closings – Easter Weekend (March 30 and 31)
Volunteers - Bob Larr cleaned out the flower beds and will power wash library as it gets closer to 4th of July.
Lakeland, State other library news - ILS Planning Summit (see above)
Patron comments and suggestions –
Other -
Old Business --
Copier meetings recap - Elyshia - AB Dick we currently have bills you for a year at the beginning and Applied Imaging HillTop Designs, Sebrights and United Bank uses bills monthly or you can buy outright.
Copier proposals and financial review - will need take money from general fund. Motion made by Mimi to do the 60 month lease on C2004ex copier seconded by Morgan. Motion made by Morgan and seconded by Mimi for $850.00 to be transfer from general fund for copier and installation, computer network
Mason Parmalee endowment - Mimi researched the endowment is from many, many years ago could date back to 1800’s. Looking into an endowment lawyer to see if this can be released. MImi asked Alice Hazen old librarian and Parmalee family and no one remembers the stipulations to the endowment.
New Business –
Gutter quote - gutter is broke and coming away from the building. 150.00 for a temporary fix to caulk. Replacement for front of building is 630.00. Chris Conner made quote. Township will be contacted to see if they would share a portion of the gutter replacement Eric will present to township.
Strategic Planning - still need new chairs for around the table. About 25 stackable and washable if possible. Morgan talked with Home Depot who would be willing to mark down clearance items even more such as a vanity and toilet.
Public Comment- none
Adjournment - Motion made by Mimi seconded by Eric at 8:10 pm
Next Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2018