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October 10 Minutes

Hopkins District Library Board Meeting

Minutes October 10, 2017


Call to Order by President, Karon Dunifin at 7:10 pm.

Roll Call Present – Morgan Coon, Karon Dunifin, Mimi Gabriel, Amy Germain, Sandy Morris, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski, Tom Bailey & Elyshia Schafer.

Absent – none.

Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda by Barb & seconded by Morgan.  All ayes.

Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve both regular meeting minutes & special meeting minutes by Morgan & seconded by Karon with a correction to the regular meeting minutes to add what was being corrected to the minutes from the previous month.  All ayes.

Treasurer’s Report - Motion to approve the financial report by Amy & seconded by Traci.  All ayes.

Public Comment – none.

Director’s Report –  Programs – Programs are going really well.  The next one coming up (snowman/scarecrow)  has as many on the waiting list as signed up.

Statistics – A little down on check outs & computer use for the last month.

Meetings, workshops, etc – LLC meeting Oct 12, Michigan Library Association Conference Oct 18-20.

Building – New paint job!  The new paint Looks fantastic.  It really brightens it up.  Thank you cards were signed for all those involved in the project.

Budget Issues – Coop fees were more than anticipated.  Custodial Wages & Coop Fees went up & Books, AV & Training went down.  Motion to approve the budget amendments by Mimi & seconded by Tom.  All ayes.

New Business – Tom Bailey is replacing Lynn Frances due to her resignation.  A new secretary is needed.  Motion to nominate Amy Germain as Secretary by Karon & seconded by Barb.  All ayes.

2018 Budget – The proposed 2018 Budget was discussed.  Motion by Mimi & seconded by Traci to approve the 2018 Budget by Activity Levels (Staff Expenses, Professional Fees, Library Operations & Building Expenses).  All ayes.

Audit – An audit request proposal was received by the auditor.  Competitive bids are only required for amounts of $2,500 or more.

Strategic Planning Committee – An update was given.  The Library Board gave a proposal to the Township board which read as follows:  

The Library Board proposes to give Hopkins Township the 82 feet between the Library building & the land under the Village/Township Hall to Wise Street.  The Township would then be responsible for the cost of a new survey & deed.  In exchange, the Township would vacate their office space in the rear of the Library & terminate the building agreement of 2014.  The Village would continue to provide the maintenance services as provided in the current 1990 agreement. 

Mary Howard gave Elyshia information on rezoning the property to Commercial.  The building on the west side of the library was discussed.  Mary Howard said that it is very expensive to condemn a building & that is not an option for them at this time.  It could be purchased & demolished for a parking lot.  Tom was not in favor of giving the land to the township.  Possibly a First Right of Refusal could be added to the transaction so if the Township leaves the new building, the land goes back to the Library.

Motion to adjourn at 8:21 by Mimi & seconded by Amy.  All ayes.