November 14 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
November 14, 2017 7:00 PM
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin
Roll Call - Present - Bailey, Coon, Dunifin, Gabriel, Germain, Rhoades, Wrobleski
Absent - none
Approval of Agenda - Motion to approve Mimi second by Morgan all ayes
Approval of Minutes - Traci approved second by Morgan
Treasurer’s Report - Motion made by Karon with update next month with negative balance United Bank. Second by Amy Germain, all ayes
Correspondence - letter from Allegan District Library . Found dedication of when we opened June 1 1985.
Public Comment -
Director’s Report
Programs – Extraordinary response to our programs! Attendance has been rather good. Morgan getting outside responses. Waiting list for programs
Statistics - See attached - Ancestry numbers are off due to technical issues. They are trying to resolve.
Meetings, workshops, etc Lakeland Library Coop meeting (Nov 9) uneventful, nothing new to share.
Building Items - Mural contest is out. One one participant so far.
Budget Items Approved 2018 budget at 109,300 at activity level. Motion made by Mimi second by Barb. All ayes. Book Donation from former friends of Library gave us 400.00 for children’s books.
Library Closings – Nov. 23-25, Closed 12/25/2017. Open 12/30/17 usual hours Closed 12/31.Closings for next year closing for 2018. Motion to approve by Morgan. Seconded by Traci. All ayes.
Old Business - none
New Business –
1. Board offices - Karon term is up, Barb and Mimi term is up. Traci? Karon and Mimi agree to stay if their townships/village agree. Barb has agreed to stay and been approved by Watson Township. Election of officers to be discussed at January meeting with annual meeting.
2. Rezoning - Lori from PCI said she will get back to us with cost of rezone. We are zoned as residential in the front and commercial in the back.
3. December Meeting - party Dec 14 at the library. @ 7:00 PM with white elephant. No meeting. Jan 9th annual meeting and next regular meeting.
Committee Reports -
Strategic Planning Committee – meeting with township and village recap. Karon and Mimi attended meeting. Building can be done between Library and Hall. Building will be put off due to cost of building materials. Mowing and garbage will be a cost we will take over when building happens.
Public Comment
Adjournment Motion made by Mimi and Second By Traci
Next Meeting Tuesday, January 9,2018