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May 9th Minutes

May 9th Minutes


Hopkins District Library Board Meeting


May 9, 2017


Call to Order – Karon Dunifin at 7:04 pm.


Roll Call Present: Sandy Morris, Elyshia Schafer, Amy Germain, Morgan Coon, Traci Rhoades, Karon Dunifin


Absent: Mimi Gabriel, Lynn Francis, Barb Wrobleski


Approval of Agenda – Sandy made a motion, seconded by Morgan.


Approval of Minutes – Traci moved to approve the minutes, Sandy seconded.


Treasurers Report – The board received updated financial reports after the book keeper got caught up from time off for bereavement and tax season. Motion by Sandy to approve the treasurer’s report and seconded by Amy.


Correspondence – None


Public Comment – None


Director’s Report as follows:

Programs: A new newsletter will come out in June. Facebook activity has increased, including reminders about upcoming programs and any vacancies remaining for these classes.


Publicity: Up to 652 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater.


Meetings, workshops, etc: Elyshia has attended several Lakeland Library Co-op meetings in the month of May. The Co-op is considering once again allowing patrons to check out older DVDs and CDs through the interlibrary loan system. If this idea is approved by two governing bodies (one being the Co-op board), it could start up as soon as October.


Building Issues: We were informed that it wasn’t required to have any smoke detectors in our building; however, if we wanted to place one in the room where the furnace is housed, that might be a good idea. The board will further consider this option at a later date.


The board agreed to get quotes for a professional cleaning of the current carpet rather than purchase new carpet squares. Elyshia hopes to have quotes for us to review at the June meeting. A motion to approve this suggestion was made by Traci, seconded by Sandy.


We have an approximate cost for painting the wood paneling in the library. Elyshia is going to get quotes for the labor portion of this project. We’ll review this further in June.


Budget Issues: Our banking paperwork has been updated with the change of Elyshia as interim director to new director. The board gives Director Elyshia Schafer, current President Karon Dunifin and book keeper Sandra Stearns permission to handle our banking needs, including signing checks and accessing accounts.


Library Closings: The library will be closed on the Saturday and Monday of Memorial Day weekend.


Volunteers: A thank you to the volunteers who have helped clean and organize the library. The library will start compiling a list of volunteers for various ongoing activities. Elyshia and a few volunteers are participating in the May 13 city-wide garage sale day, and she’ll have forms out to start forming this list of volunteers.


Lakeland, State other library news - Lakeland has switched its online magazine platform to a new app called Zinio.


Patron comments and suggestions: None.


Old Business - The board reviewed two printer quotes that have been received. However, the current printer lease isn’t up until November 2017, so the board decided to table a vote on a new lease until September. In the meantime, Elyshia will contact the printer companies to see how long these price quotes are applicable.


New Business – The Allegan County Association of Libraries is hosting a county-wide staff training day on Monday, October 9th. It will take place at the Otsego Library. It was decided the library would be closed during the daytime hours on this day so that all of our staff members could attend this event. This motion was made by Traci, and Amy seconded.


The library cleaning lady has notified us of her plans to retire. Elyshia will post the position for a part-time cleaning service on the library Facebook page, the library website and on the community board at the library. She also plans to coordinate her hiring efforts with a Hopkins Township representative.


Public Comment – none


Adjournment – Sandy made a motion to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. and Amy seconded.


Next meeting will be Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.