June 13 Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
June 13, 2017
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin, President at 7:02 p.m.
Roll Call Present - Karen Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel,
Amy Germain, Sandy Morris, Traci Rhoades, Elyshia Schafer and Barb Wrobleski
Absent - Morgan Coon
Approval of Agenda - Traci made a motion to accept and Mimi seconded. All ayes.
Approval of Minutes - Lynn made a motion and Karon seconded. All ayes
Treasurer’s Report - Sandy made a motion and Traci seconded. All ayes.
Correspondence - none
Presentation by Cathy Sheldon of Walker, Fluke & Sheldon. At this time the County Treasurer is receiving our property tax and then forwarding our share to us. Sandy said she has already spoke with the treasurer and it will be sent to us directly from this time forward.
It was suggested that we schedule our budget adjustments prior to the year end. We can then make a motion for new budget at the activity level and not have to move as a line item.
We need to review our policy for books that we get rid of. We don’t have to capitalize our books - it’s our choice. They would the be an expenditure which can change at any meeting.
We received an Best Opinion (Clean Opinion) on our audit. A+ This was Elyshia’s first audit and she worked well with our auditor.
Lynn made a motion to accept our current audit and Karon seconded the motion. All ayes.
Public Comment - none
Director’s Report -
Programs - June/July Newsletter is ready and we have started our Summer Reading program. 50 people have signed up so far.
Publicity - Up to 664 likes on Facebook. Facebook and advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, June/July newsletter is out,
Meetings, workshops, etc - Meeting for Lakeland Library Coop
Building Issues - Carpet cleaning: Sandy made a motion to select DeYoung’s (at approximately $250) and Mimi seconded the motion. All ayes. It as also suggested to put carpet cleaning and furnace/air maintenance on a yearly schedule.
We are still receiving quotes to paint the panels but not the trim. It was also suggested to check on group who volunteer to do maintenance work.
Budget Issues - Mimi made a motion to approve the June budget amendments and Barb seconded the motion. All ayes.
Library Closings - The library will be closed June 22-26 for our staff to attend the ALA conference.
Volunteers -
Old Business -
New Business - Copier quotes were discussed and it we decided that since our copier is paid off that we should wait for our new budget to make a purchase. Traci made a motion and Lynn seconded the motion. All ayes.
We have hired a new cleaner, Nicole Nylaan. She is also a sub librarian.
A Strategic Plan Supplement and the Township Agreement were discussed and it was decided to create a small committee to make some solid plans on our future needs. Mimi, Sandy, Elyisha, and Karon have volunteered to represent the library on the committee.
Public Comment - none
Adjournment - Sandy made a motion to adjourn and Amy seconded the motion at 8:40 p.m.
Next meeting July 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.