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January 10th Minutes

Hopkins District Library Board Meeting

January 10, 2017


Call to Order - Karon Dunifin, President at 7:30 p.m.


Roll Call Present - Morgan Coon, Karen Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel,

Amy Germain, Sandy Morris, Traci Rhoades and Barb Wrobleski


Absent - Natalie Bazen


Approval of Agenda - Traci made a motion to accept and Mimi seconded.


Approval of Minutes - Mimi made a motion and Sandy seconded.


Treasurer’s Report - Motion made by Lynn to approve the 2017 budget and Traci seconded.


Correspondence - none


Public Comment - none


Director’s Report -


Programs -


Publicity - Up to 642 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, January-February newsletter


Meetings, workshops, etc - Advisory and Board Meeting for LLC, ALA conference in Jan/Feb


Building Issues - The doors have been replaced and outside lights fixed.  Natalie is ordering the carpet and it will be installed at a later day with the help of volunteers.  She is also checking with tech people for 2 laptops.  


Budget Issues - None, 2016 final budget amendments


Library Closings - weather, holidays


Volunteers - donated books still coming in, program ideas


Lakeland, State other library news -


Patron comments and suggestions - donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book suggestions and programing suggestions.  


Other - LoC books


Old Business -


New Business - It was requested that the minutes be emailed to the board before the meeting.  


Board member terms:


Monterey Township:

Morgan Coon (member) appointment - new member  

Karon Dunifin (president) appointed until 2018

Hopkins School District:

Amy Germain (member) appointment - new member

Barbara Wrobleski (member) appointment until 2018

Hopkins Township:

Sandra Morris (member) appointment expired 2019

Traci Rhodes (member) appointment until 2018

Hopkins Village:

Mimi Gabriel (treasurer) appointment until 2018

Lynn Francis (secretary) appointment expired 2019


Public Comment - none


Adjournment - Sandy made a motion to adjourn and Amy seconded the motion at 8:00 p.m.


Next meeting February 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.