August 8 Minutes
Library Board Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
August 8, 2017
Call to Order – Karon Dunifin at 7:04 pm.
Roll Call Present: Sandy Morris, Elyshia Schafer, Morgan Coon, Traci Rhoades, Karon Dunifin, Mimi Gabriel
Absent:, Lynn Francis, Barb Wrobleski, Amy Germain
Approval of Agenda – Morgan made a motion to approve, seconded by Mimi.
Approval of Minutes – Elyshia made one suggested amendment to the minutes. It was noted and with the amendment, Sandy moved to approve the minutes, Karon seconded.
Treasurers Report – Motion to approve by Mimi to approve and seconded by Sandy.
Correspondence – Hopkins DDA has requested volunteers to water the flowers downtown for the last two weeks of August.
Public Comment – None
Director’s Report as follows:
Programs: Summer Reading recap (72 sign ups, 31 finishers). There’s a fall newsletter available now.
A statistics chart has been added to the monthly meeting agenda. It includes the amount of computer users, users, also book, AV and magazine check-outs. The board agreed looking at these monthly numbers and comparing them over time will be helpful.
Meetings, workshops, etc: Elyshia will attend the Lakeland Library Co-op meetings later this week. She gave a report on attending the Making in Michigan Workshop. Several staffers were able to attend the ALA Conference in Chicago with help from some Lakeland Library Co-op continuing education refund dollars.
Building Issues: Elyshia is filling out the necessary paperwork to request participation in the United Way “Caring Day.” We hope to have volunteers come and help paint the interior of the library. If anyone would like to participate in this event on Thursday, October 5th, they can inquire about volunteering at the library.
Budget Issues: None
Library Closings: Labor Day weekend (Sept. 2-4)
Volunteers: None
Lakeland, State other library news - None
Patron comments and suggestions: None.
Old Business - We reviewed changes to the library employee handbook, in particular an updated job descriptions list. Traci made a motion to approve the revisions, Morgan seconded.
New Business – Elyshia is filling out paperwork to get allocated millage dollars. Karon approved the completed form, and Morgan seconded. The board was also updated on the candidates who have applied for the open library assistant position.
Public Comment – none
Adjournment – Karon made a motion to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. and Seconded seconded.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 7:00 p.m