April 11th Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
April 11, 2017
Call to Order - Karon Dunifin, President at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call Present - Morgan Coon, Karen Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel,
Amy Germain, Sandy Morris, Traci Rhoades, Elyshia Schafer and Barb Wrobleski
Absent - none
Approval of Agenda - Lynn made a motion to accept and Morgan seconded.
Approval of Minutes - Traci made a motion and Mimi seconded.
Treasurer’s Report - no report - Lynn made a motion to pay bills and Amy seconded.
Correspondence - none
Public Comment - none
Director’s Report -
Programs - see newsletter in June, reaching out on Facebook to start up some new ones, we need to try and get the Friends Group going again.
Publicity - Up to 651 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, April-June newsletter is out,
Meetings, workshops, etc - Board meeting for LLC, Allegan County Community Foundation grant reception, Allegan County Library Association.
Building Issues -
Budget Issues - Lights need to be addressed and fixed. Shelving in the back room need to be shored up. Steve Heppe gave us a quote of $50 and Amy made a motion to accept his quote and Morgan seconded. Tom Bailey wants to purchase weed prevention layer and bark to our gardens. Mimi made a motion to let Tom do the work and Tracy seconded.
Library Closings - Easter holiday
Volunteers - Egg filling, library redecorating, Friends Group.
Lakeland, State other library news -
Patron comments and suggestions -
Other -
Old Business -.
New Business - Copier quotes are still coming in, Lakeland vote and personnel issues. A motion was made by Traci and 2nd by Lynn to have Elyshia Schafer as our interim director. United Bank is updating our signature cards. The interim director, Elyshia Schafer, President - Karon Dunifin and Sandy Stearns our bookkeeper need to complete the changes at the bank of the signature cards. These are our officers; Karon Dunifin, President, Traci Rhodes, Vice President, Mimi Gabriel, Treasurer and Lynn Francis, Secretary. have the power to sign all banking signature cards.
We have a small fire pit in storage and Tom Bailey has asked to have it. Barb made a motion to give the fire pit to Tom and Morgan seconded the motion. Sandy indicated the the library bills are being received by the township. Our bookkeeper, Sandy Stearns has apologized for the delay in reports but between taxes and the loss of her sister she is just overwhelmed.
Volunteers are in the process of cleaning the backroom of our library. A dumpster is needed for the extensive cleaning Karon is getting us one and the village is going to share to cost with us. Lynn made a motion to rent a dumpster for a fee up to $100 and Barb seconded the motion.
All board members are asked to stop into the Dorr library and see their new carpet square flooring. We will decide at our next meeting if this is something that we would like to do
Tom has volunteered to paint the paneling inside our library. We need to check out the amount of paint needed and this will be on May’s agenda.
Sandy mentioned that the library should not use the conference table on the second Monday of the month. The township does have their meeting there. A reminder will be put on the scheduling calendar.
Public Comment - none
Adjournment - Mimi made a motion to adjourn and Amy seconded the motion at 7:43 p.m.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m.