March 10th Minutes
March 10th Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
March 10, 2016
Call to Order: Karon Dunifin at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call Present: Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazan, Mimi Gabriel, Chris Navis, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski, Karon Dunifin
Absent: Lynn Francis
Approval of Agenda: Mimi made a motion, seconded by Chris.
Approval of Minutes: Traci moved to approve the minutes, Tom seconded.
Treasurers Report & December Amendments: Motion by Chris to approve the treasurer’s report and seconded by Barb.
Correspondence: Email from Township Treasurer about utility bills. The board discussed various ways to ensure these bills are received in a timely manner.
Public Comment: None
Director’s Report: Natalie received a partial grant to attend the MI Leadership Academy from the Public Library Association (PLA).
Programs: Some examples; Barn quilts were successful. Future plans for silk scarf dying and belly dancing.
Publicity: Up to 599 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, April/May newsletter should be out in the next few weeks.
Meetings, workshops, etc: Natalie just attended an Advisory and Board Meeting for Lakeland Library Cooperative. Future meetings include Emerging Leaders Mtg (Denver) and Michigan Leadership Academy (Ann Arbor)
Building Issues: Getting pricing for new doors.
Budget Issues: None.
Library Closings: The library was closed recently so a hot water heater could be installed.
Volunteers: Donated books still coming in; program ideas
Lakeland, State other library news: None
Patron comments and suggestions: Donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book suggestions, dvd suggestions and programming suggestions.
Other: Library is ordering books for babies. Also looking at a partnership with Dorr Library to create promotional coasters. Also going to look into pricing to advertise on the placemats at Russo’s. Mass mailing scheduled to go out in April.
New Business: None
Public Comment: None
Old Business: Strategic plan has had one meeting but did not have the notes written up to report yet. The board will revisit this at the April meeting.
Adjournment – Tom made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. and Traci seconded.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.