May 12th Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
May 12, 2015
Call to Order – Suzanne Antvelink, President at 7:00 pm
Roll Call Present: Suzanne Antvelink, Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazan, Karon Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel, Chris Navis, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski
Absent: none
Approval of Agenda – Lynn moved, Mimi seconded.
Approval of Minutes –Barb moved to approve the minutes, Suzanne seconded.
Treasurers Report – Motion by Tom and seconded by Kelly.
Correspondence – We received a memorial donation in memory of Ann Wynn.
Public Comment – Barb Bennet presented the DDA “Local Motion Project.” During our annual sidewalk sale day (May 9th) the committee was represent downtown and gave out donuts and magnets with the 19 Hopkins business information. Think Hopkins and support our local businesses! She also told us about the “Great Chamber of Commerce of Hopkins” Open House on May 27th at the Hopkins United Bank from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. We are all invited.
Tom Bailey mentioned the the 4th of July Committee wil be meeting next week. They are going to be selling t-shirts with the state of Michigan and a * on Hopkins location. More information will follow.
Director’s Report as follows:
Programs: Ongoing: Sticks & Strings, book club. Upcoming: See newsletter. Planning for our summer secret project. The money we earn doing the Arts Alive project will now go for a new bench for in front of our library. The previous plan of saving for an AED is not necessary as one is being donated by the Eclips Studio. Natalie was able to take advantage of Fred Upton’s program to get free books from the Library of Congress.
Publicity: Up to 521 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, finished April/May newsletter, finished July-August programming schedule. It will be out later this week.
Meetings, workshops, etc: Advisory and Board meeting for LLC.
Building Issues: Moving shelving, reorganizing non-fiction and all adult fiction, AV and E children’s books installation of the new bike rack, waiting for the door sale. A great job was done by all of the volunteers in adding bookshelves and getting all of the books moved.
Volunteers: Looking into volunteers for the summer reading.
Lakeland, State other library news – Self checkout and inventory concerns.
Patron comments and suggestions: Donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book, dvd and programming suggestions. 78 boxes of books were sent to Better World Books. Crates of books are being put together to be checked out by daycare patrons.
Old Business – none
New Business – FOIA policy, procedure, etc. We have packets of information and the resolution to go over and be ready to vote at our next meeting.
Public Comment – none
Adjournment –Moved by Mimi and seconded by Tom to adjourn at 8:12 p.m.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.