June 9th Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
June 9, 2015
Call to Order – Karon Dunifin, Vice-President at 7:00 pm, Suzanne Antvelink, President arrived at 7:20.
Roll Call Present: Suzanne Antvelink, Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazan, Karon Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel, Chris Navis, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski
Absent: none
Special Guest: Kathy Sheldon, Certified Public Account, presented our annual audit. We received an unqualified opinion – A+.
Approval of Agenda – Suzanne with the addition of the renewal of the L-4029, seconded by Mimi.
Approval of Minutes –Mimi moved to approve the minutes, Barb seconded.
Treasurers Report – Motion by Lynn and seconded by Barb.
Correspondence – none
Public Comment – Megan Bouman was present and commented on how beautiful our landscaping looks and that she was concerned that the bike rack was loose. Jim Bala , our village maintenance man is aware and will be handling this problem soon.
Director’s Report as follows:
Programs: Ongoing: Book club. Upcoming: See newsletter. Summer reading kickoff is on June 15th.
Publicity: Up to 523 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, finished July-August newsletter, working on programming through the end of the year. The busiest months (Nov & Dec) are done.
Meetings, workshops, etc: Advisory and Board meeting for LLC.
Building Issues: toilet handle broke and has been fixed, wonderful volunteer gardeners (Tom Bailey and Grace Hitt), we will be purchasing mulch soon.
Budget Issues: none
Library Closings: June 6th Linda, Gerry and Natalie attending a training for the new AED.
Volunteers: Looking into volunteers for the summer reading and everything is finished being moved and sorted.
Lakeland, State other library news – Self checkout and inventory concerns.
Patron comments and suggestions: Donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book suggestions, dvd suggestions and programming suggestions.
Saturday, June 13th Natalie has been asked to come to TV13 to promote our Summer Reading Program that starts on Monday, June 15th.
Old Business – FOIA policy and procedure was gone over and put to a vote. Tom recommended that we approve the new policy and Chris seconded the motion.
We also needed to update our L-4029 and Mimi made a motion to approve and Chris seconded the motion.
New Business – Natalie presented that possibility of opening a credit card for our library and she would be the only one allowed to use this card. Auditors do not like the idea of a debit card and the credit card is protected. She has looked into the City Bank credit card and it has the benefit of earning points that we could use for gift cards for volunteers, etc. Tom made a motion to get this card and Mimi seconded the motion.
Public Comment – Tom brought order forms for the new t-shirts offered by our 4th of July committee. You need to get your order into Deb Schrock by tomorrow to have them for the 4th of July. They will continue to take orders after tomorrow.
He is also looking for volunteers to help in all areas for our 4th of July celebration.
Adjournment – 8:25 p.m.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.