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February 10 Minutes

February 10th Minutes

Hopkins District Library Board Meeting

February 10, 2015

Call to Order – Suzanne Antvelink, President

Roll Call Present:  Suzanne Antvelink, Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazan, Lynn Francis, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski

Absent:  Mimi Gabriel, Karon Dunifin                 

Approval of Agenda - Suzanne moved, Barb seconded

Approval of Minutes – Chris moved, Tom seconded

Treasurers Report – Motion by Lynn and seconded by Tom. 

Correspondence – none

Public Comment – Mark Evans, Township Supervisor, was present to introduce us to our new library board township representative, Traci Rhoades.   He also asked that us to help facilitate to community to fill out the survey for Connect Michigan.  We do have physical copies of the survey already in our library, but he said that if people fill it out on line it will help cut the amount of data processing needed to enter the paper surveys.

Director’s Report as follows:

Programs:  Ongoing:  Sticks & Strings, book club.  Upcoming:  See newsletter.  Planning for the Summer Reading program and the theme is “Heros.”

Publicity: Up to 497 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, Jan-March newsletter, work on April-May newsletter.

Meetings, workshops, etc:  Advisor and Board meeting for LLC, ALA conference in Jan/Feb was fantastic and was able to bring back 140 new books.

Building Issues:  In the process of pricing new outside doors.

Volunteers:  Donated books are still coming in and new program ideas.

Patron comments and suggestions:  Donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book, dvd and  programing suggestions.

Old Business – None

New Business – Interest in our is up so will keep it.  Looking at having mobile hot spots, if the broad band falls through.  Maybe we will try this for a year using 10-25 hotspots that are suggested for a community our size.  A driver education software program that would allow 14 year old students to take a practice test for free.  Also an analytic program – software that will take all of our addresses and tell us what areas of our population are using the library.

Arts Alive is about to begin again this year.  It only cost us time and no money.  Each dollar paid is a vote and a dollar for our library.  We have agreed to participate again this year. 

Public Comment – none

Adjournment – 7:43 p.m.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.