September 8th Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
September 8, 2015
Call to Order – Karon Dunifin, Vice-President at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call Present: Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazan, Karon Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Chris Navis
Absent: Suzanne Antvelink, Mimi Gabriel, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski
Approval of Agenda – Lynn made a motion, seconded by Chris.
Approval of Minutes –Tom moved to approve the minutes, Chris seconded.
Treasurers Report – Motion by Lynn to approve the treasurer’s report and seconded by Karon.
Correspondence – none
Public Comment – none
Director’s Report as follows:
Programs: Ongoing: Book club. Upcoming: See newsletter.
Publicity: Up to 546 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, finished Aug-October newsletter, work has begun on the Nov-Dec newsletter.
Meetings, workshops, etc: Advisory and Board meeting for LLC.
Building Issues: none
Budget Issues: none
Library Closings: Labor Day weekend.
Volunteers: Two Michigan Works teen employees have a summer program. One of them worked well and the other not.
Lakeland, State other library news –KDL books will no longer be available to our district as of September 17th. You may still get them if you go to a KDL branch library. You must pick up and return your books to their libraries yourself.
Patron comments and suggestions: Donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book suggestions, dvd suggestions and programming suggestions.
Other –
Old Business – Mobil Library – Tom and Natalie did go and check out the “Tiny House” and really loved it. Well build, first class finishing and on a sturdy trailer bed with 3 axels. We decided to put a minimal down payment on it until we could have a Special Meeting on September 22nd to get a full board vote.
New Business – Natalie brought up that our staff must use their PTO days or lose them. It was suggested that they get paid for their time not used. Natalie will present us with a new policy to vote on.
We are in need of a sprinkler system to maintain our beautiful landscape. Jim, our village maintenance man, stated that it would be necessary to level the grass in front of our building first. He will do it and get back with Natalie. Tom Bailey made a motion to have Jim do the work and Lynn Francis seconded the motion. All ayes. We do have enough in our current budget to cover the cost of the sprinkling system. The Flier’s bid was presented and Chris Navis made a motion to install the complete system and Karon Dunifin seconded the motion. All ayes.
Public Comment – none
Adjournment – Tom made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. and Lynn seconded.
Next special meeting will be Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.