April 14th Minutes
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
April 14, 2015
Call to Order – Karon Dunifin, Vice President
Roll Call Present: Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazan, Karon Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Chris Navis, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski
Absent: Suzanne Antvelink, Mimi Gabriel
Approval of Agenda – Tom moved, Chris seconded
Approval of Minutes –Chris moved to approve the minutes with the addition of her name to roll call present, Barb seconded.
Treasurers Report – Motion by Lynn and seconded by Chris.
Correspondence – none
Public Comment –Meigan Bouman was present and has been helping with our library since moving to Hopkins. She also has past experience as a library board member.
Director’s Report as follows:
Programs: Ongoing: Sticks & Strings, book club. Upcoming: See newsletter. The June/July/Aug edition will be out in June. Planning for the Summer Reading program is done and still planning for our summer secret project.
Publicity: Up to 513 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, finished April/May newsletter, finished July-August programming schedule.
Meetings, workshops, etc: Advisor and Board meeting for LLC, also a FOIA workshop on April 21st.
Building Issues: Moving shelving, reorganizing non-fiction and all adult fiction, AV and E children’s books installation of the new bike rack, waiting for the door sale. The sale is on, so expect to get the doors soon. We also need to get a new bench for the front of our building. Ours is wood and rotted. Looking for a new sturdy bench for the front garden. The library will be closed the 28th and 29th of April to empty book shelves and move in new shelving. All help is welcome.
Volunteers: Looking into volunteers for the summer reading, volunteers for moving book shelves.
Lakeland, State other library news – Self checkout and inventory concerns.
Patron comments and suggestions: Donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book, dvd and programming suggestions.
Other – May garage sales, Allegan County Broadband Initiative.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
Public Comment – none
Adjournment – 7:3o p.m.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.