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June 10th Minutes

Hopkins District Library Board Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2014

Present: Suzanne Antvelink, Natalie Bazan, Karon Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel, Chris Navis, Barbara Wrobleski,      Kathy Sheldon

Absent: Anita Kerber and Dave Klink

1.      Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

The audit report was presented at the beginning of the meeting in order for the auditor to leave after presenting it.

Internal controls for the audit are done on a rotating basis; all tested fine. All receipts, everything was found to be in order.

Recommendations – Need to approve how to spend restricted dollars, whether HDL has restricted monies or not.

                                - Fixed asset policy –a good one to have as a housekeeping item.

The audit of Hopkins District Library went well.

2.      Roll Call.

3.      Approval of Agenda


4.      Approval of Minutes


5.      Treasurer’s Report-Accepted.

                                Budget adjustments next month.

                                Approved a wage increase for Gerrie Church from $8.50 @ hr. to $9.25 @ hr. effective       


                                Make adjustment to move “Database” category from miscellaneous to library operations.

6.      Correspondence-None.

7.      Public Comment-None.

8.      Director’s Report

·         Programs

o   Sticks & Strings – 3rd Monday of the month

o   Book club meeting regularly

o   Beekeeping

o   Geodes

o   Pet show

o   Guessing jars

o   Butter making

o   Bleached t-shirts

o   Koolaid tyed roving

o   Cheese making

o   Cooling center for the 4th of July

o   2nd annual 4th of July craft fair

·         Publicity

o   Up to 182 likes on Facebook.

o   Advertise HDL at the Regent Theater in Allegan

·         Meetings, workshops, etc.

o   Advisory and board meeting for LLC.

o   2 committees at MLA

·         Building Issues –None.

·         Budget Issues-None.

·         Library Closings

o   Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 12, 13, 14 for painting entries, shelves, and restroom make-over.

o   July 4th and July 5th

·         Volunteers

o   22 people in Friends of the Library group.

o   Donations of books still arriving.

o   Program ideas.

·         Lakeland, State, other library news- Vice-President of the advisory board

·         Patron comments and suggestions

o   Book suggestions.

o   DVD suggestions.

o   Programming suggestions.

·         Other

o   Summer secret project (moved to July).

o   Grant applications.

o and Antiques database are up and active.

o   DVD rentals up.

o   Marcus has the new photo scanning computer ordered-should be in soon.

9.      Old Business

·         Township update-Building Agreement not yet signed by township.

·         L-4029 signed by President; needs Secretary’s signature.

10.  New Business-None.

11.  Public comment-None.

12.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 8th, at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Navis