August 12 Agenda
Hopkins District Library Board Meeting
August 12th, 2014 7:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer’s Report *see attached
Public Comment
Director’s Report
Programs Ongoing: Sticks & Strings, book club. July: Cheese making, cooling center/book sale and craft fair, felting, bath fizzies, mosaic stepping stones, seed bombs, zombie survival week: weapons, diy sock zombies, zombie identification, zombie first aid, basic survival, zombie run course, pizza party with ice cream and prizes. Dorr Mini Comic Con Upcoming: see new newsletter
Publicity Up to 287 (190 last monthy) likes on Facebook (ask your friends to like us!) - goal of 360 by the end of August
Meetings, workshops, etc Advisory and Board Meeting for LLC, two committees at MLA
Building Issues none
Budget Issues none
Library Closings
Volunteers 22 people have signed up for the Friends of the Library group, donated books still coming in, program ideas
Lakeland, State other library news - Possible lending of books on cd again
Patron comments and suggestions continued book suggestions, dvd suggestions and programming suggestions
Other Historic Maker Faire is scheduled, events scheduled through December, working on new grant applications,
Old Business - Library/Township agreement re approval per Mark's changes
New Business
Public Comment
Next Meeting Tuesday September 9th, 2014 at 7:00 PM