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June 11th Minutes


JUNE 11TH, 2013

Present: Suzanne Antvelink, Natalie Bazan, Karon Dunifin, Anita Kerber, Chris Navis, Barb    


Absent: Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel, Dave Klink

1. Meeting called to order at 7 p.m.

2. Roll Call.

3. Agenda approved.

4. Minutes from May 14th meeting – Anita moved and Suzanne seconded. Minutes approved.

5. Treasurer’s Report- Report  accepted.

6. Correspondence-Congratulatory note from Bob Genetski regarding 2nd QSAC award.

7. Public Comment-none.

8. Director’s Report


·         Sticks & Strings group

·         Coups for Troops

·         Book Club

     For May

·         Fused glass flowers

·         Mothers’ Day kids camp

·         Secret  Summer project

·         Fan blade dragon flies

     For June

·         Juggler

·         Self-defense class

·         Worm farm

·         Fairy houses

·         Geocaching

·         S’mores & Stories-

  June 19 & July 8- 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

  June 28- 4 to 5 p.m.; July 1st -7 to 8 p.m.

·         Pet Show-June 22  @ 11 a.m.

·         Necktie Snakes

·         Cement cast leaves

·         Craft sale on July 4th-vendors still needed

9. Publicity-Up to 118 “likes” on Facebook; articles in Globe; School newsletters; posters around

    Town; on the Village of Hopkins new website and Facebook; may also have juggling article in

    the Allegan paper.

10. Meetings, workshops, etc.-Lansing for State volunteer meeting; Township meetings; ALA

      2013 Annual meeting (Natalie is going July 1 & 2); 4th of July Committee.

11. Building issues- door, still waiting on Jim; sign, waiting for Postema to fix daylight sensor,

       telephone issues.

12. Budget Issues-none.

13. Volunteers-22 people in Friends group; looking for volunteers for our S’mores and Stories

      and community story teller days; DNR-Michigan Activity Pass tickets available.

14. Other-

·         Blain Heating & Cooling will be installing AC and heating; thermostat to be moved back

to library side of building.

·         Computer installation issues

·         Charter came Tuesday, phones hooked up on Thursday

·         Still need Marcus & Lakeland here at the same time

·         Early Childhood Carnival is Friday, June 14th

·         Fall/winter adult evenings once a month (Wednesday or Friday nights)

·         “Are We There Yet?” kits available for checkout

15. Old Business-none.

16. New Business-50th anniversary; continuing museum plans; grants may be available.

17. Public comment-none.

18. Adjournment-Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

      Next meeting: Tuesday, July 9th, 2013, at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Chris Navis